Josh interviews Dr. Ian Marder about his work studying and instituting restorative justice practices in Europe.
Full Episode
My Guest
Dr. Ian D. Marder (@iancriminology) joined the Department of Law as Lecturer in Criminology in May 2018. He holds a B.A. in Criminology and Criminal Justice, an M.A. in International and Comparative Criminal Justice and a Ph.D. in Law, all from the University of Leeds (UK) School of Law. he was formerly a Research Associate at the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, at the University of Liverpool, where he worked on the Public Engagement Strand of the N8 Policing Research Partnership.
In 2017/18, he acted as Scientific Expert to the Council of Europe’s Council for Penological Co-operation, Since May 2016, he has also been Visiting Fellow at the Durham and Darlington Restorative Hub,
Ian is the founder and manager of the Community of Restorative Researchers, a research network open to all persons and organizations involved or interested in restorative justice or restorative practice in any capacity. He also works closely with the European Forum for Restorative Justice and other professional associations, helping to develop restorative justice policies and practices and improve the accessibility of research in this field.
A complete PDF transcript of Episode 47 of the Decarceration Nation Podcast.
Notes From Episode 47 “Ian Marder”
Ian quoted a large amount of data, here are the greatest hits:
Mind the Gap: Restorative Justice in Theory and Practice
Systematic review of restorative justice research
Systematic review of police-led diversion research
The book “Restorative Policing”
Police-Youth Forums final evaluation
List of bills passed by Rep. Pete Lee in Colorado
Podcast with Ian and Lisa Rea from Restorative Justice International

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Excellent interview with Dr Ian Marder. Josh asks the right questions in the right way, followed by most accessible and informative content from the expert, Dr Marder.
Thanks Stephen, very nice of you to let me know that you enjoyed the interview with Dr. Marder, was so good to meet him and have a great conversation about Restorative Justice. Hope to hear from you again!Josh