Josh interviews Professor Reuben Miller from the University of Chicago about his work about Carceral Citizenship
Full Episode
My Guest
Reuben Jonathan Miller is an Assistant Professor in the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration (SSA). His research examines life at the intersections of race, poverty, crime control, and social welfare policy. He is completing a book, titled Halfway Home: Race, Punishment and the Afterlife of Mass Incarceration, based on 15 years of research and practice with currently and formerly incarcerated men, women, their families, partners, and friends.
A full PDF transcript of Episode 43 of the Decarceration Nation Podcast
Notes from Episode 43 Reuben Miller
My friend Amy Povah, director of CAN-DO, did a recent interview on The Appeal podcast about the “Steak in Prisons” story.
The Columbia Journalism Review did what I consider to be the best story that has been done to date about the “Steak in Prison” story. I still can’t believe I was quoted with Bryan Stevenson.
March 5th 2019 is the 3rd Annual National Day of Empathy. Day of Empathy is a National day of action to generate empathy on a massive scale for those who have been directly impacted by the criminal justice system. Click here to JOIN US from your state.
One book Reuben mentions is “Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History” by Michel-Rolp Trouillot
He also mentions Big House on the Prairie by John Eason.
The University of Michigan’s Carceral State Project is in its first year of existence and is an interdisciplinary collaboration that brings impacted communities and advocacy organization together with researchers, writers, and artists from the University of Michigan to address the current crisis as well as collateral consequences of mass incarceration, policing, and immigration detention in the State of Michigan, and to work towards more just responses to the safety concerns and social needs of this region. Oddly enough, I will be appearing at their fourth Symposium in February.
Reuben talks about the phenomenon of “Million Dollar Blocks” which was a concept introduced by the New York based Justice Mapping Center to visually depict the impact of mass incarceration on neighborhoods.
Reuben also discussed the book “Big House On The Prairie: Rise of the Rural Ghetto and Prison Proliferation” by John M. Eason

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