Josh interviews Thomas F. Lennon and Brandon Chrostowski, Director and principle from the Oscar-Nominated Documentary “Knife Skills”
Full Episode
A full PDF Transcript of Episode 23 of Decarceration Nation.
My Guests:
Thomas F. Lennon is an Oscar-Winning Documentarian and two-time Peabody Award Winner.
Brandon Chrostowski is the owner and creator of the Edwin’s Institute and Edwin’s restaurant.
Notes From Episode 23: Knife Skills
Josh interviews Thomas F. Lennon and Brandon Chrostowski, Director and principle from the Oscar-Nominated Documentary “Knife Skills”
The News
I wrote an article about Justice Kennedy’s retirement.
I also wrote an article about my own experiences in Solitary Confinement.
Knife Skills
You can watch the entire documentary “Knife Skills” on YouTube.
Brandon also did a Ted Talk.
If you want to visit Edwin’s, check out their website and make a reservation the next time you are visiting Cleveland.

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