Reminder: Don’t Be Like Alabama
Recently Alabama has been told by the DOJ that they will be sued by the Federal Government if they don’t immediately improve the horrific conditions in their prisons.
Recently Alabama has been told by the DOJ that they will be sued by the Federal Government if they don’t immediately improve the horrific conditions in their prisons.
I highly recommend reading this response to the recent BJS report on Sex Offender Recidivism.
Does recidivism accurately predict someone’s real risk of committing a new crime?
We all have very limited free speech rights on platforms owned by private companies, but most of our speech happens in exactly these corners of the digital public square.
Building a bigger jail rarely fixes ANY of the real reasons why our jails have serious problems.
This recent paper from Illinois breaks down some of the problems of the wide use of electronic monitoring as a so-called “alternative to incarceration.”
One of the best ways we can transform the impressions of people in prison is to make meaningful education opportunities available to everyone in our correctional facilities.
Senators Richard Durbin and Dan Sullivan introduce the Due Process Protection Act.
I have rarely seen worse (intentional?) framing than the headline and premise of this article. Way back when Good Time […]
Prison time has little or no bearing on long-term public safety.